Home » A Comprehensive Guide to Deploying Your React App to GitHub Pages
  1. Introduction
    • Why deploy a React app to GitHub Pages?
    • Prerequisites
  2. Setting Up Your React App
    • Create a new React app using create-react-app
    • Configure your project
  1. Installing gh-pages
    • What is gh-pages?
    • Installing gh-pages
  1. Configuring package.json
    • Adding homepage field
    • Adding deployment scripts
  1. Deploying Your React App
    • Running the deploy script
    • Verifying the deployment
  1. Common Issues and Troubleshooting
    • Handling 404 errors for client-side routing
    • Updating the deployment
  1. Advanced Configurations
    • Custom domain
    • Deploying from a specific branch
  1. Conclusion
    • Recap
    • Further reading and resources


Why Deploy a React App to GitHub Pages?

Deploying your React app to GitHub Pages is a quick and free way to share your work with others. It’s especially useful for showcasing projects, hosting documentation, or running simple static sites. GitHub Pages offers a straightforward process to get your React app online.


Before you start, ensure you have the following:

  • A GitHub account
  • Node.js and npm installed on your machine
  • Basic understanding of Git and GitHub

Setting Up Your React App

Create a New React App

First, we’ll create a new React app using the ‘create-react-app’ command-line tool. Open your terminal and run:

npx create-react-app my-react-app
cd my-react-app

This will set up a new React project in the my-react-app’ directory.

Configure Your Project

Make sure your project runs correctly locally. Start the development server:

npm start

Visit ‘http://localhost:3000’ to see your React app in action.

Installing gh-pages

What is gh – pages?

‘gh-pages’ is a npm package that makes it easy to deploy your project to GitHub Pages.

Installing gh-pages

Install the ‘gh-pages’ package as a development dependency:

npm install gh-pages --save-dev

Configuring package.json

Adding homepage Field

In your ‘package.json’ file, add a ‘homepage’ field. This tells React where your app will be hosted. Replace ‘yourusername’ and ‘yourrepository’ with your GitHub username and repository name:

"homepage": "https://yourusername.github.io/yourrepository"

Adding Deployment Scripts

Next, add the deployment scripts to ‘package.json’ under the ‘scripts’ section:

"scripts": {
  "predeploy": "npm run build",
  "deploy": "gh-pages -d build"

Thepredeploy’ script runs automatically beforedeploy’, building the app and creating the build’ directory.

Deploying Your React App

Running the Deploy Script

To deploy your app, run the following command:

npm run deploy

This will create a new branch called gh-pages’ in your repository and push the contents of thebuild’ directory to it.

Verifying the Deployment

After the deployment process completes, your app should be live at ‘https://yourusername.github.io/yourrepository’.

Common Issues and Troubleshooting

Handling 404 Errors for Client-Side Routing

If your app uses React Router for client-side routing, you might encounter 404 errors. To fix this, create a ‘404.html’ file in the ‘public’ directory with the following content:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; URL=./index.html">

This will redirect any unknown routes toindex.html’.

Updating the Deployment

To update your deployed app, simply runnpm run deploy’ again after making changes.

Advanced Configurations

Custom Domain

If you want to use a custom domain, create a ‘CNAME’ file in the ‘public’ directory with your custom domain inside it. For example:


Deploying from a Specific Branch

If you prefer to deploy from a branch other than ‘master’ or ‘main’, you can specify it in the ‘deploy’ script. For example, to deploy from the ‘deploy-branch’:

"scripts": {
  "predeploy": "npm run build",
  "deploy": "gh-pages -b deploy-branch -d build"

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Common Questions and Answers

  • Q: What happens if I delete the ‘gh-pages’ branch?
    • A: Deleting thegh-pages’ branch will take your site offline. To restore it, you need to redeploy usingnpm run deploy’.
  • Q: Can I use a custom domain with GitHub Pages?
    • A: Yes, you can set up a custom domain by creating aCNAME’ file in your public’ directory.


Deploying a React app to GitHub Pages is a simple process that involves setting up your project, configuringgh-pages’, and running a deployment script. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can easily share your React projects with the world.

Further Reading and Resources

For more information, check out the following resources:

By following these steps, you can deploy your React app to GitHub Pages with ease. 

Happy coding!

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